John McDonnell MP
John McDonnell MP makes a plea to his constituents to give the gift of life this Christmas. More than 200,000 blood donors are needed to give a very special gift and help hundreds of thousands of patients this Christmas.
Whole blood and platelet donations will be needed over the coming six weeks to supply hospitals across England and North Wales treating patients with cancer and anaemias, after accidents or childbirth complications.
NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) faces extra pressure as Christmas Day and Boxing Day fall ahead of a weekend, raising concerns fewer donors than usual will get around to making life saving donations during the busy festive period.
Please support NHS Blood and Transplant and make time this Christmas to give a gift only you can give and make a blood – or platelet – donation.
At this time of year many people want to give something more than material gifts. Ablood donation truly is the giftonly theycan giveand with one single donation theycan save or improve up to three lives.
Every blood donation is vital, but over winter months NHS Blood and Transplant particularly needs to ensure supplies of rarer blood groups O Rh Negative, A Rh Negative, B Rh Negative and AB Rh Negative as these are most vulnerable to shortfall.
John McDonnell MP said “I am pleased to support this campaign and help in raising awareness of this issue. I am very grateful to NHSBT for the very valuable service that they provide”.