Newsletter 3 – July 2020

Building Back Better

In our latest newsletter, members of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs look at how the Left must respond to the public health and economic crisis and call for solidarity with Palestine.

People Before Profit

The Coronavirus crisis has once again exposed how across our society private profit is put before public health and people’s needs.

Last weekend Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell, Diane Abbott, Richard Burgon, Ian Lavery, Rebecca Long-Bailey, Jon Trickett, Bell Ribeiro-Addy and Claudia Webbe joined key activists to look at how we build the alternative.

Solidarity with Palestine

With the Israeli Government threatening further annexation in the Occupied West Bank this month, members of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs recently released this statement. Share the statement and see the full list of signatories here.


“With the new Government in Israel threatening further illegal annexation in July of occupied Palestinian land, including large swathes of the West Bank, now is the time to speak up for Palestine. The British Government should make clear to Israel now that any annexation of the occupied Palestinian land would lead to sanctions.

As an internationalist and democratic socialist party, Labour must give real support to call of the Palestinian people and very many Israelis for effective measures to Stop Annexation. The core and fundamental purpose underlying annexation is that it permanently puts the ‘nail in the coffin’ of a two-state solution. It leaves no room for any conceivable viable Palestinian state.

Annexation has been encouraged by Donald Trump whose proposals in the fake “deal of the century” are a one-sided attempt to impose an unjust outcome destroying core Palestinian rights – in particular their right to self-determination.

We stand firmly against such an act of aggression, as part of the growing international chorus of voices calling for effective international measures to stop any annexation.

In line with Conference policy, Labour must recognise that any just peace must be based on self-determination for Palestine, with equality and human rights for all. We must continue to commit to immediate recognition of the state of Palestine and an end to the blockade, occupation and settlements.”

For a Green New Deal

Faced with a climate crisis and the threat of mass unemployment, members of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs released a statement demanding a Green New Deal. Read and share it here

Views from Socialist Campaign Group MPs

On the government’s catalogue of errors that led to Leicester’s Covid-19 spike.READ IT HERE



On why we cannot allow the post virus world to return to the misery of mass unemployment. READ IT HERE


Calls for an economy that puts people before profit with a Green New Deal at its coreWATCH IT HERE



On why Labour must stand with Trans people against a new Section 28.READ IT HERE



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